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Chamber of Commerce of Seville

Visit of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville

We recently received an institutional visit from the Chamber of Commerce of Seville

During the visit, Antonio Carrasco, general manager of Goya España showed the president of the Chamber, Francisco Herrero; its manager, Salvador Fernández; the president of FICA (Federation of Industrialists and Traders of Alcalá de Guadaíra), Carlos García and other members of this business federation, the facilities of our factory and the different projects we are working on.

After visiting our “2 in 1” olive and olive oil packaging factory and with a detailed explanation by our quality manager, Antonio Martín, the responsible of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville were able to learn about the economic expansion projects to be developed by Goya España.

The Chamber of Commerce of Seville “aims to represent, promote and defend the general interests of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, and to provide services to companies. Likewise, it is configured as a consultative and collaborative body with the Public Administrations, before which it presents itself as an institution that represents the general interests of the companies”.

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